I have decided to give this another go. Why I choose to do it when I am two weeks away from our 3rd child I have no idea. I guess I am a glutton for punishment. Wish me luck!
This was after a long temper tantrum. She looks so sad. At one point she asked to get a spanking instead of having to stay in her room. Obviously she has no clue what a spanking entails.
What is the best way to shoot something in the sky? I was trying to get the full moon during the day. I think that the snow setting on my camera worked best. Hmmm?
My Dad has been sick lately and I didn't see the kids today until 9ish tonight. Unfortunately Koey was sleep but thankfully my girl still had that beautiful smile to be my silver lining.
Best picture I have ever taken of a cake but I can't remember what setting I used :( This was taken at my girlfriends surprise brunch. She is the first of my high school friends to turn 30.
I got to go out to dinner with my friend Mel and this lovely girl tonight. Hope Mel doesn't mind me putting up Kohen's girlfriend, Jaclyn on here as I didn't take a picure of my kids today. (Bad Mommy)
Teething has been very hard on all of us here in the Guishard Household. This was the first time Kohen slept peacefully for more than 20 minutes. Guess Daddy was tired too.
Ah let see I'm Momma to a spirited little girl who cracks me up and a sweet boy that makes me swoon and firecracker of a little lady who keeps me on my toes. Married to a guy that keeps me laughing at all times which is great considering life can be hard. I love my family and thank God my Mom is now one of my best friends. I don't have tons of best friends but the ones I do have are tried and true. I am not sure how people can live without faith. I teach first grade love working out, pedi's and my baby sis!